Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Now that I spend the majority of my day taking care of a tiny human, it has really made me reevaluate how I have lived my entire life up to this point, if each of my actions (or inactions) effect this one person so profoundly then maybe I should start being more mindful of each and everything I do. This is a process that I will probably chronicle in a few separate posts because really I am giving myself a lifestyle overhaul in order to really decide what the important things are in my life. 
Here is a little overview of some of the things I am re-examining, and some of the resources I am turning to to help me get myself going into the right direction.
I've been thinking about my future, specifically my future financial independence. Going hand in hand with that is trying to learn how to live comfortably with less and how to determine what to spend on and assess their quality.
A more immediate change I have been making is being more conscious of myself, and my habits and my effect on the world. A lot of this information isn't new to me but for the first time in my life I am really driven to change, whether its looking closer at the labels on beauty products or deciding what to put into my body. One thing that I have been fairly militant about implementing is switching out all my products for cruelty-free alternatives, mostly I just use google to check out brands before purchasing but I refer to this list frequently and a friend of mine just introduced me to this app which I've already gotten a lot of use out of.
Other things, revolving more around my appearance, I've been adopting a more natural approach to certain aspects of my life, especially in regards to my beauty regime. I pull a lot of my inspiration from reading about other's daily routines but I do have to credit Caroline Hirons for teaching me the importance of daily cleansing as well as just those little everyday things I should be doing for my skin. My wardrobe (or rather lack of) is something that I have touched on before, and I am looking forward to rebuilding mine with a new mindset. 
Lastly I want to think about how I want to raise my child, which kind of values I want to try to instill in him. First and foremost I want to lead by example, so I really need to be aware of my bad habits but also I want him to learn respect for all living things as well as encouraging a varied diet and fostering good manners
This is my rather ambitious outline for the life I am hoping to lead, but even if I have all these ideas of what I want to do nothing is going to change unless I put in the effort and start trying to live that life now.


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