Friday, September 18, 2015


I started this blog a year and a half ago in preparation for my big move across the world to keep my little family together. It was supposed to be my place to be creative and not get too stir crazy as a stay-at-home mom. Surprisingly starting this blog, and reading other blogs, opened me up in more ways that I could have expected. Despite my lack of posting, and not feeling like part of the blogging community I really feel like having this blog has helped me grow and has pushed me to be better. I want to be get better at blogging, and maybe I will someday but considering the amount of changes that are occurring in my life now (I will elaborate shortly) I think at least for now my blog won't be my main priority.

This time of year is very special for people, it's back to school which is a new beginning and those of us not in school still feel nostalgic for the feeling back to school evokes, excitement and nervousness combined. It's time to say goodbye to the carefree relaxed attitude of summer and start tightening up and settling back into the real world, but it's definitely not necessarily a bad thing. Right now I'm finishing up packing my bags, emptying out my apartment and mentally preparing myself for life back in Canada as a single mom. Yes, the great German Experiment didn't work out, for a variety of reasons but none so glaring as the fact that I was completely isolated here. Right now I'm saying goodbye to the family that I have been apart of since arriving, I'm saying goodbye to  the man I spent the last three years with, and I'm saying goodbye to my last carefree summer before I step back into the real world. I can't say that I am going back home, because I'm not, yes I consider Canada as a country home but none of the individual cities in which I have lived are home, not even the one I grew up in. As someone who has never had much inclination to travel, I've done more than my fair share of packing my bags and starting life somewhere new, but now I need to maintain a level of stability, not for me but for the tiny human coming with me. We are going back to family, to a new "home" where I will have support and he will have plenty of love, but it still won't be easy. Perhaps I will use blogging again to document my new life, it may help me stay grounded after all, but no promises as my plate is already overloaded. Right now I can't make any plans, all I can do is pack and say goodbye and then just see what happens when we step back onto the airplane.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


I read lots of blogs, probably too many and I so often find myself caught in that nasty cycle of comparison. I know I know, never compare your beginning with somebody else's middle or whatever that saying is but I still have trouble finding bloggers that relate with. Why you may ask, while blogging is probably considered a somewhat creative (and or entrepreneurial) endeavour, I myself am not a maker. I'm not a creator nor a "do-er" in the most literal explanations of the terms. I'm an art school quitter, university drop out, soon-to-be (officially) single mom. I don't ponder my aesthetic or attempt to retain my revelance in this world. I don't have big plans of marketing myself (personally not a fan of any marketing, but I do accept it as a necessary evil) or creating a brand. I feel like a lot of bloggers want to make something of their blogs which is awesome but they all seem to be reading the same advice on how to do it, so while their pictures are beautiful and posting is consistent they don't seem to have anything interesting to say. I know I'm probably just following the wrong blogs but I started blogging because I've heard there's a community that goes with it. I guess for you to be a part of a community you would need to make yourself known which is definitely something I struggle with (online and irl) but it would probably help if I knew about blogs which I felt I could connect with on a deeper level. I am not a maker, I'm someone who helps keeps things afloat, and I'm okay with that, I just wish I could find some more people like me because frankly all those super creative makers out there intimidate me but I need some people on my level so that I don't drown myself in my constant comparison.