Monday, August 25, 2014


When I was a child, my sister and I used to sleep over at my aunt's place a lot. My cousin, who is a year older than me was one of my closest friends growing up and we used to spend hours playing pretend, running around and then stay up all hours of the night watching movies and talking...and in the morning we would walk (hop) along the bunny path to go to Solly's bakery and get freshly baked cinnamon buns. These were some of my favourite childhood memories.

My aunt also introduced me to the world of second-hand belongings. Thrifting has become super trendy in the last few years, and with good reason... it turns out the pre-loved goods can be just as good, if not better than their brand new counter-parts. They have more character, more variety and you will never be scared of ruining them with use. I personally adore getting hand-me-downs from family, friend or just about anyone, spending an afternoon going through someones unwanted clothing is like a dream to me. It has only been in recent years that I have really discovered how great it is that there are so many venues for finding used furniture, clothing, art, dishes etc and now that I am in the process of furnishing my apartment I feel like I missed out on huge opportunities with my previous places.

Here in Germany there is a classified section of Ebay, which is their equivalent to craigslist. We got our kitchen chairs, table and bathroom vanity second-hand. We are currently trying to hunt down a white or wooden cabinet for extra kitchen storage but we have very specific measurements we need it to fit so we haven't had much luck yet. Now that it is summer time though there have been plenty of flea markets to attend on the weekends. Pictured above are my two little pieces I picked up on two different occasions. The white birdcage caught my eye with its fleur-de-lis on it and I hope to maybe suspend it and find a small green plant to keep inside of it. The quartz crystal speaks to my inner geologist, my father always had different rocks displayed throughout his house from various work trips to northern Canada and around the world. Put me on a rocky beach with a magnifying glass over a forest any day, I love to see theses beautiful structures that have been created naturally over so much time, it is really incredible. Anyways, the quartz is currently on a shelf with some of my books where it will probably stay. 

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