Friday, August 01, 2014


July was my first month in my new home country and so much has happened in just a short thirty day period. Bean has gone from unsteadily sitting to pulling himself up to stand and is now sleeping through the night. Our apartment is coming together and it is starting to feel like home which is reassuring for me. H and I have already been talking about our future plans, and where we want to live next which is exciting but our adventure here is still only just beginning and we should take a step back and enjoy the ride rather than get ahead of ourselves and miss out on what is right in front of us. Time to recap last months goals and select a few new ones for the next thirty days.

one. Write a little bit every day. Almost
I unpacked my journal, I have a few blog posts waiting in my drafts and I've come up with a few ideas for some short stories. While I didn't write every single day, I did most days which felt very good.

two. Survive flying with Bean. Check 
This one was nearly impossible for me to fail, but I can truly say I have zero desire to step foot onto another aircraft anytime in the near future.

three. Unpack and organize one small space for me. Mostly yes.
We are completely unpacked and it took me a lot less time than I had expected. As for the space for me, we got a new couch which I have been spending a lot of time on, and I have organized my clothes which makes me happy, so while neither is a space just for me exactly they have still achieved the same desired effect.

four. Appreciate my little family. Absolutely
My mother raised my sister and I as a single parent, and after my almost seven month stint as sole caregiver I have so much more appreciation for everything that she gave to us. Now that I have an extra-pair of hands to help out with Bean and someone to spend my evenings with parenting has become a lot less exhausting and so much more enjoyable. I feel incredibly lucky to have these two (well one big, and the other little) men in my life and I plan on cherishing every day that I get to spend with them.

I think I did quite well last month, so lets keep up the good work... here are my goals for August.

one. Read at least one book.
two. Make a purchase at the farmers market on my own.
three. Try (and enjoy) one new food.
four. Keep my plants alive.


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