Thursday, January 01, 2015


Happy New year, here are the final ten questions to ring in the new year.

forty-one. I want my theme for the next year to be progress, moving forward and getting myself to where I want to be.

forty-two. I'm not really one for seeing/discovering/exploring, I just want to live my life, I never set out to raise a family in a foreign land but it happened, so lets see what happens next.

forty-three. I live far away from a lot of the people I would like to see more so it would be an unrealistic goal but I want to appreciate my time here with my little family more, and not take it for granted.

forty-four. I want to learn how to do the splits, I want to be fluent in German (aiming high, I know), I want to be more disciplined with my writing and I want to master my self control around chocolate.

forty-five. I want to get better (and more consistent) with meditation, I want to foster my desire to be a better person and maybe volunteer, or be more rigorous with my recycling and I want a stomach that you can bounce a coin off of.

forty-six. Overall I want my everyday life to be productive, I survived the first year of motherhood by just getting through each day. Now that Bean is more independent I have no excuse not to be working towards doing something with my life.

forty-seven. I want to change my computer habits, I spend too much time on my computer doing nothing. Other habits I want to change or grow or get rid of have been touched on already.

forty-eight. Honestly, I want to have a job next year, any job really, I am not in any position to be picky.

forty-nine. I want 2015 to be the year that I found my footing, that I figured out what direction I want my life to go in.

fifty. My number one goal is to do what makes me happy. I feel like I have spent a lot of time worrying about everyone else and everything else and honestly wallowing in my own misery sometimes so I need to get it together and take care of myself.

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