Monday, January 19, 2015


Toys, they come in all shapes and forms but they are unavoidable once you have kids. I remember every Christmas my sister and I would gather all the flyers from our favourite big box shops and circle all the things we wanted to put on our wishlist for Santa. Toys are a big parts of a child's life I think, and can be a huge battle for parents. Advertising targeting children is probably one of the more disturbing facets of our modern media but I think (read: hope) that with the right foundation laid you can teach your kid to value things as more than something shiny, plastic and new. I'm all about fostering creativity, and even though he is only one I can already see his little mind working when it comes to his play things, here are a few of his favourites:

one. Empty lotion bottles
Don't ask me why but for some reason whenever Bean is on his change table he needs to have a lotion bottle in his hands, it has been like this for a long time but if he starts getting fidget-y or whiney when we change his bum or dress him all we have to hand him one of the empty lotion bottles and hes all smiles again.

two. Empty water bottles
Are you sensing a theme here? Bean has a thing for recyclables (not included here are empty cardboard boxes if he manages to find one lying around). My inner environmentalist is kicking me but Germans don't drink tap water, pretty much all water come pre-bottled but in their defense they have a pretty rigorous recycling system to compensate. So pretty much we have a lot of empty bottles lying around at any given time and Bean LOVES to knock them around and chase them around the apartment

three. Anything cup-like
If you can see above there is a blue sheep face in the lower right-hand corner and then near the top left is the bottom piece, its legs, Those are part of what is essentially a matryoshka doll made up of farm animals, and Bean loves to either chase them or find things to put into each half.

four. Anything round/with wheels
This is pretty predictable, the idea of motion still seems so novel to Bean so he is delighted when he can make something move or watch the wheels turn. The wooden police truck and the blue round block are two of his favourites but he really isn't too particular when it comes to things that are circular.


  1. Haha,well, he sure loves blue! And it's actually really surprising to see how simple but yet apparently very fun these 'toys' are.

    1. Never underestimate a young child's imagination!

  2. My first child loved empty water bottles too. Another cool trick is a sock filled with rice and closed tightly with a hair tie,

    1. Bean isn't super into feeling things with weird textures, he is definitely my son that way. But otherwise that would be a good idea.
