Sunday, March 29, 2015


In case you haven't figured it out by my previous posts, I'm not exactly someone who has their life together, like at all. Winter this year has been rough on me, and I've been battling with ridiculous amounts of envy towards people my age who are doing things with their lives. However, in an effort to be more positive I've spent some time really working on a plan. No more "what if's, maybe's or if only's" just real, tangible goals that I can work up towards and I think I have figured it out. For the first time I have plotted myself a real career path that I'm excited to get started on. It will be hard work, I have to re-do some high school credits, re-do some university credits but I can honestly say I have never been more excited to learn math in my life. Now that I know I can work hard to raise a child, what's to stop me from continuing (other than university tuition, childcare and other living fees) to reach higher. I will be have to work my ass off, I've already started but once I register for courses there isn't going to be much down time for the next 4-5 years but I think I can do it, I'm still young and I have an amazingly supportive family so why not.

*Disclaimer* Since writing this post my potential prospects are far less tangible than I had expected, but nevertheless I am working hard to remain optimistic and still find some way to make it work.


  1. I love that you have outlined plan. Even thought you may feel it has become more difficult to reach. At least you have the plan to refer back to. and also refer back to this post. You words a full of positivity for the future. Don't ever feel stuck. use what you have right know and go forward little by little! Wishing you all the best! xx

    1. It's all about looking forward, even if you have to take a few steps back.
